Final reflection on GEK1036

I think after this semester, everyone in our class will know one thing about me, that's I am a very inarticulate person.(of cause the word "inarticulate" is in google dictionary) But actually I am not, the truth is opposite, I am a recognized "have too much tongue" person.(only in Chinese or Taiwanese)

Why I have a short declaration up there is because I read many final reflection in my classmates blog, and according to my self-knowledge, I do not feel I can type as much as they are.


As Pei-Yi mention in her final reflection, there were indeed a lot of things going on at the same time in the end of this semester for a music conservatory student. We have a lot of performance, a lot of rehearsals, a lot of meetings, master classes, competitions....when it comes to concerto competitions I have a good news, the two out of three grand finalist are both study in GEK 1036, they are Hui Lin and me.

It was really rush at the week of Pei-Yi and my presentation, I have a concert thirty minutes after the presentation, then the day after is the first round of conservatory concerto competition.

Ahhhh... It seems that I am all just talk about the busy life in the end of this semester. Actually this is my first outside class, and I had a very good time in our class, every class was so fun, and I learned so many things, not only about the lecture study things, but also a lot of other knowledges, I also learned a lot through all of my best classmates presentation, they really give me a impression of what's professional. Thank you professor Deng, thank you all my classmates. I really learned a lot from you and I really had a lot of fun in every single class.


Why the words goes like that in the last paragraph? Even my computer's English is bad? = =

