Final reflection on GEK1036

I think after this semester, everyone in our class will know one thing about me, that's I am a very inarticulate person.(of cause the word "inarticulate" is in google dictionary) But actually I am not, the truth is opposite, I am a recognized "have too much tongue" person.(only in Chinese or Taiwanese)

Why I have a short declaration up there is because I read many final reflection in my classmates blog, and according to my self-knowledge, I do not feel I can type as much as they are.


As Pei-Yi mention in her final reflection, there were indeed a lot of things going on at the same time in the end of this semester for a music conservatory student. We have a lot of performance, a lot of rehearsals, a lot of meetings, master classes, competitions....when it comes to concerto competitions I have a good news, the two out of three grand finalist are both study in GEK 1036, they are Hui Lin and me.

It was really rush at the week of Pei-Yi and my presentation, I have a concert thirty minutes after the presentation, then the day after is the first round of conservatory concerto competition.

Ahhhh... It seems that I am all just talk about the busy life in the end of this semester. Actually this is my first outside class, and I had a very good time in our class, every class was so fun, and I learned so many things, not only about the lecture study things, but also a lot of other knowledges, I also learned a lot through all of my best classmates presentation, they really give me a impression of what's professional. Thank you professor Deng, thank you all my classmates. I really learned a lot from you and I really had a lot of fun in every single class.


Why the words goes like that in the last paragraph? Even my computer's English is bad? = =

Lecture 9 Cross-Gender Interaction

The film in the begining of the lecture is really funny. But the film also shows the huge change between these few years. Now even the film goes opposite, no one will say anything about that.

But for the words changes(English words), I think it's just little significance, because why the words goes like that is cause by the very traditional thinking in the ancient time. Now, However, if everyone just say "OK, let's change all the words." But never change the real thought of it, it's just useless! Fathers still think about "I have to leave my son all of my money", girls always think about "I have to look beautiful, therefore I will have more chance to get marry with the rich man." Than, even the human kind can finally change all the words to most fair words, what's the difference?

Lecture 7 Face and Politeness (e-learning week)

Ahhh... this week not much to say, but at least now I know that I had wrote the correct answers on the e-mail questions.

I think I understand what the lecture notes is about.

two sentences....

Lecture 6 Communication Systems

I think I am already somehow changed by Singapore culture or it's society.

When we were in class, we talked about the different reaction of Thai and Australian Student. I was thought about the difference between Taiwanese and Singaporen and I also thought about how I changed. In Taiwan, when we are in bus even there are still some seats available "boys" will not sit unless very tired, include me.

But after came to Singapore, the first time I was on the bus I found something not right, that's no one gave seat to old man! So, as I was taught, I gave seat and the old man sit down without said anything, maybe he thought I was going to get down the bus.

Same situation, but MRT is a bit better, maybe one out of ten teenager will give sit when others need to sit. It really let me feel to give seat to the other is a strange act. Now I am still doing things like gave seat to others, but I think if I stay there more than one year and never went back to Taiwan, I will be totally changed.

Lecture 5 Written Discourse

Right after this class, I check the computer about the article writen in classical Chinese by Zhou Dun-Yi. Because we have to memorize this in Taiwan, but I was absolutely forgot... I try very hard to remember it in class, but I still can not.

Here is the article in Chinese

水陸草木之花,可愛者甚:晉陶淵明獨愛,自李唐來,世人盛愛牡丹。予獨愛蓮之出淤泥而不染,濯清漣而不中通外直不蔓不枝;香遠清,亭亭,可遠觀而不可褻玩焉。 予:菊,花之隱逸者也;牡丹,花之富貴者也;蓮,花之君子者也。菊之愛,陶後有聞。蓮之愛,同予者何人?牡丹之愛,乎眾矣!

I still remember when we were in junior high school, once in Chinese class one of my classmates ask "Why we have to learn this? The artical does not make sense at all." I have same feeling with the classmate at that time, but with more and more I learn, I gradually forgot that I still had this not solved question. But our lecture remind me again.

I really don't like a writter have "it's the reader's responsibility to understand the writter" in his mind. If nowaday still have writter want to write this kind of article, I am sure even he/she is famous, won't have a lot of teenager reader.

Lecture 3 Speech event

For this lecture, I have a a bit confused but very interested example,

When I was in Taiwan, I was in the boy school, this Speech event happened after class in our wind band office.
Genre: conversation
Topic: no
Purpose or Function: moonshine
Setting: After class, practice time but no one practice.
Key: free
Participants: me, my friend
Message form: common spoken Chinese, laugh, gesture.
Act Squence: none
Rule for Interaction: not polite, relax talk, loud(because everyone loud there)


Here comes my question, we have group A and group B chatting there(I was in group A), but after I heard one of the guy in group B is talking about one of the game I was played, I was just interrupt their talking. After that, because of me, group A and group B became one group and had a same topic.
Can we say there was just one group in begining? or are they still two groups in the end?

Lecture 2 Speech Act

Although I was not in the class when we were having this lecture. However, I read the lecture notes and I found that to know what's the different "speech act" is very important especially for the foreigner who go to different language speaking country.

I myself have an experience of speak in wrong way of English and make other very upset, and what's worse, I even did not know that after few minutes.Few months ago, I went to US for the International Trumpet Guild Solo Competition and lived in one of my trumpet teacher's friend's house. He is so nice, the way he treat me let me feel I was actually his lost son.

So, after one dinner he sit in the same table with me, and I said very seriously "You are too nice to me."
His smile stock on his face, and just look at me, silent.


He said "what do you mean!?"

"Ahhh... means you are too good?"


"what's wrong?" said me.

"Nothing!" said him and eat very heavily.


few minutes later he smile again and explain to me that "I am too nice to you" can means I want to get something from you so I am nice to you.

After this, I think instead of using "too", I will use very forever.