Lecture 8 CMC: Computer Mediated Communication

Actually todays Computer Mediated Communication is not only about the using of computer, but about phones, sms, radios...etc.

In class, when we talked about the special terms that Singaporen were use, such as "k", $, c, u, btw, coz, wads and..., it really remind me that few years ago we have a special term "火星文"(the Mars words) in Taiwan to describe all the terms that don't make any sense to...can I use the two words "Ordinary People"?

For me, the definition of "火星文" is kind of 'words-only' chatting language. (not only on computer, can also on SMS) To change the common, traditional words into other words in some rules, it can be either more words or less words, however less words in most case. Those words will have exactly the same meaning with the traditional one. Finally, those new words became the "火星文" which can not be understood by common people.

Where are some very standered examples for "火星文", all the Taiwanese teenager should understand this.

1. pictograph: "orz", or "or2" can means thanks so much or very admire.

2. emoticons (kind of pictograph): "T_T"(cry) ,"= =凸"(angry), "(^_^)y"(happy), XD (big laugh, 'X' is eyes, 'D' is mouth)

3. English letters(Sounds like): Morning call(模擬考) ,MM (美眉), FU(feeling)

4. number alphabet(Sounds like): 53719(我深情依舊), 1314(一生一世), 520(我愛妳), 88 (byebye)
5. notional phonetic alphabet(Sounds like) : ㄉ(的), ㄎ(可),ㄊ(他), ㄑ(去), ㄛ(喔), ㄢ(安)

6. same sound different words: 哩(妳), 盹(等), 斗(都,的), 倫(人), 抗(看), 口(可), 企(去)

7. Single English letter(sounds like): u(有), d(的), g(雞), i(愛), p(屁), e(他), o(喔)

Those are just some very besic "火星文", quite complex isn't it? XD

2 則留言:

  1. I did't know that my initial XD has a meaning other than my name. Interesting.

  2. oh these are REALLY complex! Many Taiwanese variety shows like to use FU for feel and I always thought it was pretty cute haha. With regard to your numeric examples, I remember a comedy on Channel 8 many years ago called "我爱精灵" or 'My Genie" - They used 0385985 (你想抱我就抱我) and 54088 (我是你爸爸)
